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Copyright Assignment

Our Price:  $20.00(Exc. 20% VAT)

This is a standard copyright assignment form. It can be adapted for use in relation different kinds of copyright.

Copyright and its related rights may subsist in a bewildering variety of different kinds of works. For instance, these rights may protect writings, paintings, drawings, designs, plans, graphics, logos, musical compositions, plays, screenplays, software, databases, sculptures, sound recordings, films and broadcasts - to name a few.

A crucial feature of copyrights - unlike moral rights - is that they are assignable. In other words, they can be transferred from one person to another.

Assignments of copyright may be subject to legal formalities. Examples of legal formalities include requirements that assignments be in writing and executed by the assignor. In some jurisdictions, an assignment may need to recorded with the copyright registration authorities.

  • Definition of "assigned rights": exactly what rights are being assigned, and are any specific rights excluded from the assignment?
  • Moral rights: does the assignor waive any moral rights in the works?
  • Warranties: does the assignor warrant that it owns all the relevant rights in the works, and does the assignor warrant that no licenses have been granted in respect of the works?

In full, the headings of the different sections of this assignment are: (1) Definitions and interpretation, (2) Assignment, (3) Moral rights, (4) Further assurance, (5) Warranties, (6) Indemnity, (7) General.

After purchase, you will receive an email with a link enabling you to download the copyright assignment (5 pages) in MS Word (.doc) format.

More information about copyright and related intellectual property rights can be found on our copyright resources page.


Can I use this assignment to transfer copyrights that do not yet exist?

Yes, subject to any specific requirements of applicable law in relation to such transfers. This is dealt with in the definition of "Assigned Rights".

Has this document been designed to deal with other sorts of IP?

To a limited extent, yes. For example, it may be suitable for transferring other unregistered rights akin to copyright, such as the EU database right. It would need substantial adaptation, however, to be used in relation to the transfer of registered rights such as patents and registered trade marks.

Can this document be adapted for use as a copyright license?

No: this is not a good template for creating a license.

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