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Copyright Resources

Copyright Resources

Copyright is the principal means of protecting the intangible assets that are at the heart of the many of our creative industries. The software, film and music businesses - to name but three - depend upon copyright.

On this page we have collected together links to a range of resources relating to the law of copyright, including introductory articles, the websites of key national and international regulatory bodies, and directories listing the world's top copyright law firms.

Wikipedia on Copyright

Readers new to the copyright could find a worse introduction than this Wikipedia article. There are links to more specific articles covering such matters as copyright infringement and copyright in software.

Copyright Books at Amazon

If you want to learn about copyright in detail, however, the best way to do it is with a book. There's a huge selection of introductory, academic and professional copyright texts available at Amazon.

Copyright Blogs

For copyright news and analysis, there are dozens of intellectual property and copyright blogs covering the laws in all the major industrial countries, and many others too. Examples include:

- The 1709 Blog
- Excessive Copyright
- The IP Kat

National Copyright Offices

The websites of the various national copyright offices provide a wealth of jursidiction-specific copyright resources. The website of the US Copyright Office is available at www.copyright.gov, while its UK equivalent can be found at www.ipo.gov.uk.


Europa is the European Union's official website. It include a great deal of information about copyright law and policy at the EU level: Europa copyright pages.

International Treaties

The international copyright system ensures a measure of similarity between the copyright law in different jurisdictions. The key instruments of this system include the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, the Universal Copyright Convention (Paris text), and the
WIPO Copyright Treaty

See also the WIPO pages on copyright and related rights.

Sample Documents

Onecle collects, categories and publishes real legal documents that have been filed with the US authorities under US securities laws. Available categories include copyright assignment agreements and copyright license agreements.

Law Firms Specializing in Copyright Law

Responsibility for copyright matters, both contentious and non-contentious, usually falls within the intellectual property departments of law firms. The Legal 500, HG.org and Martindale Hubbell all list firms operating in this market.

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