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30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

If, within 30 days of paying for a document template, you notify us in writing that the document template is not suitable for the purpose for which you purchased it, we will email to you a cancellation form. You must complete and sign the cancellation form, and return it - together with photocopies of appropriate identification documents - to us by post or fax within 7 days of the date of issue of the cancellation form.

The cancellation form includes a legal declaration that you have deleted the relevant template from your computer and from all media in your possession and control, and a legal undertaking that you will not in any event use the template without repurchasing it from our website.

Within 14 days of receipt of a duly completed cancellation form and satisfactory identification evidence (matching the registered user information held on our website database) we will usually authorise a refund of the full amount paid for the relevant template.

In order to avoid abuse, this guarantee is subject to the following limitations.

(a) The rights under this guarantee may only be exercised by a person in relation to one template document in each calendar year.

(b) You will have no rights under this guarantee in relation to packs of template documents (i.e. bundles including more than one template).

(c) We reserve the right not to provide a refund under this guarantee where we have evidence that, or suspect that, the refund request amounts to an abuse of this guarantee.

Under the Distance Selling Regulations, consumers in the EU usually have "cooling off" period within which they have a right to cancel contracts for goods or services entered into via the internet. However, as soon as you pay for your order, we will automatically provide you with a link to your downloadable documents, and you acknowledge that, even if you are a consumer, you will have no right to cancel your order once the documents are available for download (save in accordance with the provisions of this guarantee).

Copyright 2010-2013 Contractology Templates
Howbery Park, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BA, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1491 821123, Email: mail (at) contractology (dot) com
UK Company Reg. No. OC325208 , UK VAT Reg. No. 902 1495 52

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