Web Design Agreement ResourcesWeb designers need to work closely with their clients to ensure the success of their projects; and a successful working relationship should be underpinned by an understanding of the legal issues that affect the designer-customer relationship, as well as a good web design agreement. |
Wikipedia on Web DesignReaders new to web design will find this Wikipedia article to be a good starting point. |
Web Law Forums and BlogsThe internet is filled with dozens of websites with legal resources for web design. Examples of relevant forums include: |
Sample and Template ContractsA wide range of web design-related legal documents are available on the web. |
Law Firms Specializing in Web Design AgreementsWeb design law is an aspect of IT or media and technology law. The precise issues affecting web designers and their clients will depend on the jurisdiction. The Legal 500 and HG.org directories list firms operating in this area. |
Web Design Books at AmazonIf you want to learn about web design in greater depth then the best way to do it is with a book. |
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