Online Catalogue |  EULA

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Online Catalogue |  EULA



Price: $40.00 (Excluding VAT at 17.5%)

A EULA is a legal agreement between a software licensor and a software user concerning the use of software. A good EULA will specify in detail what the user may do with the software - and what the user must not do with the software.

One legal issue affecting EULAS is this: how does the end user give his or her consent to the terms of the EULA. This EULA form includes 3 different options in respect of user consent: consent by opening the software package (a shrink-wrap licence), consent via a licence presented during software installation (a click-wrap license), and consent via a licence published online to be accepted before the software download (a web-wrap license).

The EULA has not been drafted with consumer protection legislation in mind - and if you intend to use it with consumers, you will need to ensure that appropriate amendments are made to take account of such legislation insofar as applicable.

This EULA contains the following key provisions:

  • Licence: what rights are granted under the EULA for the use of the software, and what restrictions are placed upon such rights?
  • Upgrades: will upgrades be supplied to the user?
  • Support: will the licensor provide any support in respect of the software?
A full clause listing is as follows: (1) Definitions and interpretation, (2) Term of EULA, (3) Licence, (4) Other users, (5) Upgrades (optional), (6) Support (optional), (7) Limited warranties, (8) Limitations of liability, (9) Termination, (10) Effects of termination, (11) General.

If you purchase this template EULA, we will send you an email with a link for downloading the template. This email will be sent immediately following your purchase. The document will be supplied in MS Word format for easy editing.

The first few sections of this document can be seen free-of-charge here: precedent EULA

Professional documents

The contract forms and precedents on this website are designed for use by lawyers and other contract professionals. They are jurisdiction-neutral, and need to be adapted for a particular jurisdiction before use. Because of the application of substantive national laws and national rules of interpretation, non-professionals should avoid using our forms to create legal documentation unless the legal documentation will be checked by an appropriately qualified lawyer before execution or use.

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To buy a contract precedent from this website, you should:

  • add the precedent to your shopping cart;
  • proceed to the checkout;
  • complete our online order form; and
  • pay by Visa, Visa Debit or Mastercard on the Sage Pay website.
Immediately following receipt of your payment, we will email you a hyperlink for downloading the precedent.

Online Catalogue |  EULA

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