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Website Privacy Policy

Website Privacy Policy

Price: $10.00 (Excluding VAT at 17.5%)

A website privacy policy is a published statement concerning the way in which a website owner will collect and process the personal information of users. Privacy policies are important not just from a legal perspective, but also from a usability/marketing perspective.

The most important provisions of this policy include:

  • Information collected: exactly what kinds of personal information are collected by the website operator?
  • Cookies: does the website use cookies? If so, are they session cookies or persistent cookies, and what are they used for? Are any third party cookies served by the website?
  • Using personal data: how will personal data collected through the website be used? For example, will it be used for marketing purposes?
  • Disclosures: to whom - and in what circumstances - will personal information be disclosed to others?
  • Security: what measures will the website owner take to secure the personal information?
In full, the website privacy policy includes these sections: (1) What information do we collect? (2) Cookies, (3) Using your personal information, (4) Other disclosures, (5) International data transfers, (6) Security of your personal data, (7) Policy amendments, (8) Your rights, (9) Third party websites, (10) Updating information, (11) Contact, and (12) Data controller.

Note: in general terms, data protection and data privacy laws are contained in detailed national statutes and regulations. Data protection law in the European Union is largely based on laws promulgated at the EU level. As with our other templates, this template has been drafted by English-qualified lawyers and therefore reflects the position in the EU. If you are using this template outside the EU, it will likely need a greater degree of adaptation.

The policy is 4 pages long. If you buy this policy, it will be delivered via email link in downloadable MS Word (.doc) format immediately following purchase.

The first few sections of this document can be seen free-of-charge here: precedent privacy policy

Professional documents

The contract forms and precedents on this website are designed for use by lawyers and other contract professionals. They are jurisdiction-neutral, and need to be adapted for a particular jurisdiction before use. Because of the application of substantive national laws and national rules of interpretation, non-professionals should avoid using our forms to create legal documentation unless the legal documentation will be checked by an appropriately qualified lawyer before execution or use.

Buying documents

To buy a contract precedent from this website, you should:

  • add the precedent to your shopping cart;
  • proceed to the checkout;
  • complete our online order form; and
  • pay by Visa, Visa Debit or Mastercard on the Sage Pay website.
Immediately following receipt of your payment, we will email you a hyperlink for downloading the precedent.

Online Catalogue |  Website Privacy Policy

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